Discover The Exquisite ‘World Map By Peter Schenk The Elder’: Unveiling The Hidden Treasures Of Our Planet

Exploring the World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder: A Journey Through Time

Welcome, Map Enthusiast! Today, we invite you to embark on a journey through time and explore the world map created by the renowned cartographer, Peter Schenk the Elder. This masterpiece, dating back to the 17th century, provides a fascinating glimpse into the geographic knowledge and artistic skills of the era. Join us as we delve into the history, significance, and intricacies of this captivating work.

The World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder: An Introduction

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder is a remarkable cartographic representation that offers a comprehensive view of the known world during the 17th century. Created in the year 1690, this map showcases the territories, cities, and natural features of various continents, providing valuable insights into the prevailing understanding of geography at the time.

With its intricate illustrations and meticulous attention to detail, the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder serves as a testament to the expertise and craftsmanship of the cartographer. It not only serves as a navigational tool but also as a work of art that captivates its viewers.

Now, let us delve deeper into the what, who, when, where, why, and how of this fascinating creation, shedding light on its historical significance, artistic value, and enduring appeal.

What: The World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder

world map by peter schenk the elder - Haemisphaeriorum Tabula Carthesiana P. Schenkii
Haemisphaeriorum Tabula Carthesiana P. Schenkii

Image Source:

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder is a large-scale depiction of the Earth, showcasing continents, countries, cities, and bodies of water. It offers a comprehensive overview of the known world during the 17th century, providing a valuable snapshot of geographic knowledge at the time.

This map is characterized by its intricate illustrations, vibrant colors, and meticulous attention to detail. It presents a wealth of information about the political boundaries, natural features, and geographical characteristics of the depicted regions.

Who: Peter Schenk the Elder

Peter Schenk the Elder, born in the year 1660, was a renowned Dutch cartographer and engraver. He hailed from a family of mapmakers and became highly regarded for his skillful craftsmanship and attention to detail. Schenk’s works, including the world map, showcased his expertise in both cartography and engraving.

During his career, Schenk collaborated with various publishers and fellow cartographers, contributing to the development of accurate and visually appealing maps. His contributions to the field of cartography earned him a lasting reputation as one of the leading mapmakers of his time.

When: The Creation of the World Map

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder was created in the year 1690, during a period characterized by significant advancements in cartography. This era witnessed a surge in exploration and discovery, leading to an expansion of geographical knowledge and an increased demand for accurate maps.

Schenk’s map reflects the geographic understanding of the 17th century, incorporating the latest discoveries and explorations of the time. It serves as a valuable historical artifact, documenting the state of geographical knowledge during this era of exploration and enlightenment.

Where: The Geographic Scope of the World Map

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder encompasses the entire globe, offering a comprehensive view of the known world at the time. It includes detailed depictions of continents such as Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, as well as the vast oceans and bodies of water that connect them.

While the map focuses primarily on the regions known to Europeans during the 17th century, it also features parts of the world that were still largely unexplored or unknown at the time. This blend of existing knowledge and uncharted territories adds to the intrigue and historical significance of the map.

Why: The Significance of the World Map

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder holds great historical and cultural significance. It provides a window into the prevailing understanding of geography during the 17th century, offering insights into the exploration, discoveries, and political dynamics of the era.

Moreover, the map serves as a testament to the artistic skills and craftsmanship of Peter Schenk the Elder. Its vibrant colors, intricate illustrations, and attention to detail make it not only a navigational aid but also a work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

How: The Creation Process

The creation of the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder involved a meticulous process of cartographic surveying, engraving, and printing. Schenk utilized his expertise in both cartography and engraving to produce a visually stunning and accurate representation of the world.

He would have relied on a variety of sources, including existing maps, reports from explorers, and firsthand observations, to gather the necessary information for his map. This data was then carefully transcribed onto a copper plate, where Schenk meticulously engraved the intricate details and illustrations.

Once the engraving process was complete, the copper plate was used to print multiple copies of the map. Each print was then meticulously hand-colored to bring the map to life and enhance its visual appeal.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Exploring the World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder

Like any historical artifact, the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder has its advantages and disadvantages. Let us take a closer look at the pros and cons of exploring this captivating cartographic masterpiece.


1. Historical Insight: The map offers valuable insights into the prevailing geographic knowledge and political dynamics of the 17th century.

2. Artistic Appeal: Its vibrant colors, intricate illustrations, and attention to detail make it a visually stunning work of art.

3. Educational Value: Exploring the map provides an opportunity to learn about the history of cartography and the evolution of geographical knowledge.

4. Cultural Significance: The map reflects the cultural and artistic achievements of the era, as well as the broader historical context in which it was created.

5. Geographic Context: It helps viewers understand the spatial relationships between different regions and gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of the world.


1. Limited Accuracy: While the map was accurate for its time, it may contain inaccuracies or outdated information compared to modern cartographic standards.

2. Eurocentric Perspective: The map reflects the European-centric worldview of the 17th century, potentially overlooking or misrepresenting non-European cultures and regions.

3. Lack of Updated Knowledge: It does not incorporate the advancements and discoveries made in geography since the 17th century, limiting its relevance for contemporary studies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder

1. What materials were used to create the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder?

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder was created using copper plates for engraving, ink for printing, and hand-coloring techniques to enhance its visual appeal.

2. Are there any surviving original copies of the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder?

While the original copper plates used to create the map may no longer exist, several copies of the map have survived to this day. These copies serve as valuable historical artifacts and collector’s items.

3. How accurate is the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder?

For its time, the map was considered accurate and reflected the prevailing geographic knowledge of the 17th century. However, it may contain inaccuracies or outdated information compared to modern cartographic standards.

4. How has the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder influenced later cartographic works?

The world map by Peter Schenk the Elder has had a lasting impact on the field of cartography. Its artistic style, attention to detail, and comprehensive geographic coverage have influenced subsequent mapmakers and served as a source of inspiration for their own works.

5. Where can I view the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder?

Various museums, libraries, and private collections around the world house copies of the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder. These institutions offer opportunities for enthusiasts to view and appreciate this remarkable cartographic masterpiece.

Conclusion: A Timeless Journey through the World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder

As we conclude our exploration of the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder, we are reminded of the enduring appeal and historical significance of this captivating cartographic masterpiece. Its intricate illustrations, vibrant colors, and meticulous attention to detail continue to captivate map enthusiasts, art lovers, and history buffs alike.

Through this remarkable work, Peter Schenk the Elder invites us to embark on a timeless journey through the known world of the 17th century. It serves as a bridge connecting us to the past, offering valuable insights into the exploration, discoveries, and cultural dynamics of the era.

We encourage you to seek out opportunities to view and appreciate the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder in person, whether through museum exhibitions, online collections, or private viewings. Let this journey through time ignite your curiosity and deepen your appreciation for the art and science of cartography.

Final Remarks: Exploring the World Map by Peter Schenk the Elder

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the best available knowledge and research at the time of writing. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, there may be additional discoveries or interpretations that could shed new light on the world map and its creator, Peter Schenk the Elder.

We hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the world map by Peter Schenk the Elder and its historical significance. May your journey through the captivating realms of cartography continue to inspire curiosity, exploration, and an appreciation for the wonders of the world.
